Board of Trustees
Independent Governance
As an independent school, Randolph is governed by a Board of Trustees whose members serve the School on a voluntary basis. The Board is responsible for the Head of School, and its primary work is long-term and strategic. The Head of School, in partnership with School administration, is responsible for the day-to-day operation and management.
NAIS, the National Association of Independent Schools, of which Randolph is a member, published these Principles of Good Practice for a school’s Board of Trustees.
Main Responsibilities:
- Assuring the relevance and fulfillment of the School’s mission
- Hiring, supporting, and evaluating the Head of School
- Securing the financial sustainability of the School
Board Members also lead and serve on five standing committees: Committee on Trustees, Finance, Operations, Strategic Planning, and Development.
Board of Trustees
From Left to Right: Julie Gold, Brian Hinson, May Jennings ’87, Bobby Bradley, Andy Watson, Tracy Sams, Marshall Schreeder ’96, Sara Cooper, Rudy Hornsby, Celeste Childs, Erin Bailey ’97, Melissa Dodgen, Riley Parker, Lady Smith, Mitch Coley, Missy Baldone, Adam Dubé (Head of School), Wendy Joseph, Mark Russell, Jane Daniel, Christina Tabereaux.
Not Pictured: Amit Arora, Frederick Lanier, Denzel Okinedo ‘12
Board Officers:
- Chair: Melissa Dodgen
- Vice-Chair: Amit Arora
- Secretary: Marshall Schreeder ‘96
- Treasurer: Andy Watson
For questions related to the Board of Trustees, please contact Jenna Pirani, Executive Assistant to the Head of School. For additional information about Randolph School, which operates as a 501(c)(3) organization, please contact CFO James Cooper.